
Persian Ploughmans

Persian Ploughmans

Featured Product

To make this yourself, you’ll need some Deli Kitchen Persian Style Flatbreads.
You can find your nearest stockist or buy online!

Prep Time
60 mins
2-4 servings


  • 2 Deli Kitchen Persian Style Flatbreads
  • Cheddar cheese, cut into thick slices
  • 4 Free-range eggs, soft boiled
  • 50g rocket leaves
  • 50g pickled onions, chopped
  • 25g piccalilli
  • 25g caramelised onion chutney
  • 1/2 gammon joint
  • For the gammon
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp sumac
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp tarragon
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds
  • 3 lime leaves
  • 1-2 tbsp olive oil


  1. Grind up your lime leaves with 1 tsp coriander seeds in a pestle and mortar until semi-fine.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180oC – bung the juicy gammon joint on a baking tray and drizzle olive oil all over it.
  3. Then rub in the lime leaf and coriander mix, along with 1 tsp of cumin, tarragon, sumac, cinnamon and turmeric.
  4. Cloak with foil and cook for 1 hour; removing the foil for the last 30 mins.
  5. Once cooked, leave to rest for 30 mins before slicing to serve.
  6. Place the Deli Kitchen Persian Flatbreads in the oven for 5 minutes to warm up.
  7. On one slice of the flatbread, spread 25g caramelised onion chutney.
  8. On the other slice, layer 25g piccalilli, 50g rocket leaves, thick slices of gammon and cheddar cheese, 50g pickled onions, and 4 sliced eggs.
  9. Top with the other slice covered in chutney, slice it up and enjoy!