
Brioche Beef Wheel

Brioche Beef Wheel

Featured Product

To make this yourself, you’ll need some Deli Kitchen Brioche-Style Wraps.
You can find your nearest stockist or buy online!

Prep Time
40 mins
8 servings


  • 2 Deli Kitchen Brioche wraps
  • 2 fillet steaks, sliced
  • 200g mushroom pate
  • 1 camembert
  • Sprigs of rosemary and thyme


  1. Spread 200g mushroom pate over each Deli Kitchen Brioche wrap, then add the 2 sliced fillet steaks.
  2. Roll each wrap tightly with cling film, and pop in the fridge to chill overnight.
  3. When you’re ready to cook, score a cross in the top of the camembert, add sprigs of thyme and rosemary, and then bake in an oven for 20 mins at 200oC.
  4. Whilst the camembert is baking, grab your rolled wraps out the fridge, unwrap and slice each into 4 rolled pieces. Pop these in the oven at 200oC for 7-10 mins.
  5. Remove the camembert and rolled wrap pieces (if you’ve timed it right) from the oven.
  6. Now it’s time to show off to your friends! Pop your camembert on a serving plate and create a ring of wellington rolls around it. Dive in!